Do you wake up at 3am? Eye-rolling hack promises to get you back to sleep instantly - and doctors say it works

Rather than counting sheep, listening to relaxing music or even giving up and doom scrolling, you can simply try rolling your eyes. That's according to TikTok Wellness guru, Pretty Sick Heather.

Source: Cubes | 

04.12.2024, 16:26


If you find yourself laying in the dark at 3am with your eyes wide open, struggling to fall back asleep, a bizarre hack could help.

According to social media wellness guru Heather Gordon, you should try rolling your eyes.

Gordon, who shares health and wellbeing content with her 16,000 TikTok followers under the name Pretty Sick Heather, shared a video detailing the trick that she claims works everytime. 

And science suggests there may be something to it, with studies showing eye movements can boost levels of the sleep hormone, melatonin. 

In the clip, which has amassed 2.6 million views, she instructed viewers to begin by closing their eyes. 

The next step is to engage in a series of eye-rolling movements while keeping the eyes shut. 

First, you direct your eyes towards the floor, and then bring them back to the centre.

Next, look all the way to the left, before bringing them back to the centre and then to the right. Then, roll them back to the middle again. 


Sleep Hacks, Sleep Tips, Sleep Routine, Wellness Tips, Insomnia, Menopause, Women Over 40, Women Over 50, Over 40, Over 50, GenX #sleep #sleephacks #insomnia #sleeptime #sleeproutine #womenover40 #womenover50 #menopause #genx #menopause #wellness ♬ original sound - Pretty Sick Heather

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